
Crypto-virus Ransomware Puzzles

This post is #9 in the series to automatically build a Microsoft BI machine using PowerShell – .

In this series so far:

Although in the last step we configured a very permissive password policy we need a bit of security, so that is why I opted to install System Center Endpoint Protection. Now, in Azure you can also have extensions for security (both with Microsoft and 3rd party security products) so probably you will never install System Center Endpoint protection yourself, but for the sake of reference, here is how to install it using PowerShell.

C# Function InstallSystemCenterEndpointProtection { Write-Log -Verbose "Step 4: Install System Center Endpoint Protection" Start-Process .\Resources\SystemCenterEndpointProtection\scepinstall.exe -Wait -ArgumentList "/s /q" #-NoNewWindow Write-Log -Verbose "System Center Endpoint Protection Installed" if ($global:DoAllTasks) { Set-Restart-AndResume $global:script "6" } } 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Function InstallSystemCenterEndpointProtection {      Write - Log - Verbose    "Step 4: Install System Center Endpoint Protection"      Start - Process . \ Resources \ SystemCenterEndpointProtection \ scepinstall . exe - Wait - ArgumentList "/s /q" #-NoNewWindow      Write - Log - Verbose    "System Center Endpoint Protection Installed"      if ( $ global : DoAllTasks ) {          Set - Restart - AndResume $ global : script "6"          } }

Next step: installing SQL Server

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endpoint security enforce firewall policy failed     endpoint security business